How can we help you? Select the button below that corresponds to your request.
+ Project Requests cover any marketing/communication request that is not related to an event a minimum of 3 weeks prior to your in-hands date.
+ Reprints/Reorders cover any requests for materials that you are running low on your supply a minimum of 2 weeks prior to your in-hands date.
+ Web Edits/Requests cover any updates or edits to an existing webpage or requests for a new landing page on our website.
+ Event Requests include requests for any event that you would like to host on or off campus. Event Requests require a Marketing Meeting a minimum of 6 weeks prior to your event.
+ Marketing Meetings allow you to schedule a meeting with the Communication Director to walk through your Event Request (planning meeting) or discuss any other ministry communication need. Marketing Meetings are scheduled in 30 minute increments.
+ Video Shoot allows you to schedule your recording date and time once you have received approval for a video production through the Project Requests form.