The mission of the Church throughout history has been to go into all the world and make disciples of Jesus Christ. At St. Andrew’s United Methodist Church this is our mission today. As we head into 2019 we want to be on mission together–ensuring that everything we do leads all people to experience God’s grace through a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. Being on mission together means striving to reach new people in new places in new ways. Being on mission together means building relationships with people in the community who have yet to experience God’s grace. Being on mission together means seeking to meet the needs of the communities we serve. The transformation of the world is far too big a task for any of us–but together we can do more and lead more and more people to experience the extravagant grace of God.

In 2018, your support allowed us to reach over 500 people each week in worship; welcome 28 professing new members to the church; confirm 10 students to live as faithful disciples of Jesus Christ; celebrate the baptism of 13 children and adults; provide Bibles for over 100 preschool children; foster countless Christian relationships through Life Groups and fellowship events; host Vacation Bible School for over 150 children; provide a variety of weekly opportunities for people in all stages of their faith to grow in their relationship with Christ; serve food to over 500 families through the Food Pantry and Meals on Wheels; provide shelter, meals and supportive services to six families through Family Promise; and together we can so much more.

Text amount you want to give to 813.701.5314 (Example: $100). Register your card (first time only). Check for a text verification and email receipt. Save contact in your phone under offering.
Download the GIVE+ App on your smartphone. Search and select
St. Andrew’s United Methodist Church Brandon. Sign in, create an account, or give one time.
Click Give Online. Enter the amount you wish to give, the frequency, and continue. Register your card or bank account info as well as billing address. Create an account to automate your offering.

Place cash or a check in the designated basket during the offering time at any worship service.