Missions Team
Our Missions team serves a number of organizations in the local community and around the world. They coordinate a number of seasonal events on campus such as Christmas in July and the Jesus Walk, which raise awareness and collect donations for the various organizations that we support. Our Missions team also organizes our church's participation in local events such as Feed the Bay and Gift of Hope.
For more information, contact Jessica Adams
Justice Ministry
Our Justice Ministry team is a member of Hillsborough Organization for Progress and Equality (HOPE), a faith based community action organization. Throughout the year, Justice Ministry works with other congregations as part of HOPE for justice, fairness and equality in our community. HOPE is comprised of over 20 congregations that work for justice in the area of healthcare, education reform, crime prevention, public transportation, neighborhood improvement, employment, housing and homelessness. For more information, contact Gretchen DelSavio.

Leadership Teams
Another great way to serve is through our Leadership teams. These teams are selected by the Lay Leadership Team and then members are elected at the Church Conference held in November. Most teams meet monthly to accomplish the goals and vision of the church. For more information, contact Linette Davila.

Congregational Care
Congregational Care offer assistance to those experiencing problems, challenges and opportunities that impact their physical, mental and emotional well-being. For more information contact Carol & Bruce Menne.