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This Sunday

Writer's picture: Rev. Tim MachtelRev. Tim Machtel

I want to share with you some changes that you will notice this Sunday during worship. After nine years of service, Michele Pruyn has decided to retire from leading our 9:45 Contemporary worship service. Last Sunday was her last Sunday leading at 9:45. I want to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to Michele. Michele is one of the most talented singers and directors I have ever worked with. Our music program is one of the reasons I love being the Senior Pastor at St. Andrew’s- this is because of Michele’s leadership. The thing I love best about working with Michele is how she brings the best out of the people she works with and leads. I am truly excited that Michele will continue leading our Traditional music program and am thankful for all her years of service to Christ and St. Andrew’s! Here’s to many, many more. Michele will continue to provide excellent direction to our 8:15 and 11:15 Traditional services. Please make sure to let Michele know how much you love and appreciate her.

Michael Mobley will be serving as our Interim Worship Leader for our 9:45 service. I want to take this opportunity to say welcome to Michael . Michael has been working with the student ministry praise band on Sunday nights for two years now. He is a student at USF and is on staff at The Wesley Foundation at USF. Michael plays guitar, piano, and drums and has led worship at the Warren Willis Camp, Seminole Heights UMC, and several other churches. Michael has agreed to serve as the Interim Worship Leader at the 9:45 service as we begin the search for the permanent worship leader. This Sunday will be Michael’s first Sunday. Please make him feel welcome.

This Sunday we will continue our series “How to Change the World” by exploring the second simple rule, Do Good! I have a friend who lives in Jacksonville who demonstrated the true meaning of doing good for me. I want to wait to share this story with you on Sunday, but I will tell you it involves his willingness to be selfless and generous. When Jesus told his disciples that anyone who wants to be great must become servant to all, Jesus knew that we would be tempted to want the place of honor. This is why he turned the worldview of his disciples upside down. He told them that even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and give his life as a ransom for many. This is the example that Christ gave to us in loving God and living for God.

We first have to understand the world we live in and make sure that our life glorifies God. We then need to do everything in our power to do no harm to people in our life, especially brothers and sisters in Christ. This week we will learn the importance of doing good. I look forward to sharing the call to do good with you this week in worship. See you in church.


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