"This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls." Hebrews 6:19
Our family has spent this last week in New York City on vacation. We have seen sights I have only seen on TV or in magazines to this point in my life. It has been pretty amazing to see these things for the first time. One of my greatest concerns about coming to New York City was safety. I am happy to say we have been completely safe the whole time. I also have been reminded of a couple of things too.
I have been reminded that God is my anchor. It doesn't matter what city you are in. It doesn't matter what circumstances you find yourself in. It doesn't matter because when you know Christ you have a constant. Christ is the anchor of your soul. This means no matter where the wind blows you can hold fast to this anchor.
I have been reminded that this anchor is strong as well. This anchor, Jesus Christ, is stronger than anything we will face. It is stronger than our fears, our failures, our doubts, our guilt, our shame, or our unbelief. Christ is the strong and trustworthy anchor for our soul. There is nothing that can move this anchor, nothing.
No matter what you are facing today or tomorrow hold fast to this strong and trustworthy anchor for your soul. There is nothing better in life in which to hold fast. Christ promises to be with us always. Paul promises nothing can separate us from Christ's love. So let's live as people of the promise. Let's hold fast to the anchor of our soul.
I can't wait to share more about this with you on Sunday. See you in church.