"But the time is coming – indeed it’s here now – when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth." John 4:22 (NLT)
It was a crisp day with a bright blue sky, no clouds, and a slight breeze blowing across the landscape. The mountain stream rushed by and a good pace toward a waterfall about 50 yards in the distance. It was very peaceful on the mountain and the views were spectacular. Surrounded by nature and overwhelmed by the sights and sounds one thing became crystal clear. No human hands could have ever created such amazing beauty. In that moment that place became a sanctuary. That part of the day became worship.
Have you ever had such an experience? Where what you thought we be a fairly ordinary day became a time of worship? The day I described above was a day at Yosemite National Park hiking the trail to Half Dome. I knew the hike would be through beautiful terrain and amazing views. But I truly did not expect a rest break on a rock in the middle of a mountain stream to become worship, but it did. Every day we are given opportunities to worship our amazing God if we will just take them.
As a community of faith we gather together every week to worship together in the sanctuary. It is the central act of our community. It is a special and sacred space each and every week. However, worship is not a time and place as much as it is a response. We worship God as a response to who God is and all God has done. Worship is an attitude of our heart toward God.
In a conversation with a Samaritan woman, Jesus tells her that God desires those people who worship Him in spirit and in truth. He also tells her this worship is not bound to a place, rather it is bound to the one whom we worship. This type of worship can take place anywhere and at any time. This is why we say we want to engage in a lifestyle of worship at St. Andrew's.
I encourage us all to take every opportunity this week to have moments of worshipping God in spirit and truth wherever and whenever we are moved. We will come together in worship on Sunday as a time to be together as a culmination of a week of engaging in a lifestyle of worship. We will worship God together in spirit and in truth. May God receive all honor, glory, and praise.
I look forward to continuing the discussion this Sunday in the second week of our series "Love Does." See you in church.