There are so many reasons I love being a United Methodist. One of them is the “connectional” system we belong to as United Methodist. That means that every local church is interconnected to each other so we can do more together as a denomination in both mission and ministry. Some great examples are the Warren Willis Camp where many of our kids spent a week each summer getting really excited about their faith. Wesley Foundation, a college ministry on most college campuses is another blessing of our connectional system that means kids away from home can connect and even develop their faith while away at college. Personally, I am hoping our youngest daughter will connect to the Wesley Foundation at the University of Florida this fall.
This Sunday is an important Sunday in the life of St. Andrew's because it is the 5th Sunday of the month. That means this Sunday we will be given an opportunity to give to another blessing of our connectional system, the United Methodist Children’s Home in Enterprise, FL. As part of the connectional system, all churches contribute to the Children’s Home on all the 5th Sundays throughout the year. As result of the 5th Sunday giving, the Florida United Methodist Children’s Home was able to serve over 700 children and families last year alone. This Sunday we will also be celebrating the Youth Ministry of St. Andrew's. It seems only appropriate that we as United Methodists will not only give thanks to God for the youth of our church, but we will also be able to bless those youth we may never know, but who still need to experience the love and care of Jesus Christ through our giving.
Have a great weekend and we look forward to worshipping with you this Sunday.
Pastor Jayne