Learn to do good. Seek justice: help the oppressed; defend the orphan; plead for the widow. [Isaiah 1:17]
In the church world, I have learned to appreciate baby steps. By this I mean that the Kingdom of God grows slowly, and often I feel like I am not making a big enough difference with leading people in closer to a relationship with God. Yet occasionally, we get the chance to be a part of something bigger than we could ever do on our own.
St. Andrew's is part of an organization called HOPE. HOPE stands for Hillsborough Organization for Progress and Equality. It is comprised of 25 churches in our area that work together through their words, prayers, presence, and finances. When we support HOPE, we see the big impact of people coming together for something bigger than themselves. HOPE works hard to address issues of affordable housing, rent assistance, justice for juveniles, employment issues, health care, education reform, public transportation and even neighborhood improvement. HOPE is all about working toward justice and helping the oppressed who cannot help themselves.
When we support HOPE, we are bringing justice to those in need. So here is the first way to help. Join a Listening Meeting to share the needs of your family, as well as the needs of your community. The results of these listening meetings will help HOPE determine where they will put their efforts in 2023.
Later there will be an opportunity to participate (in person or online) with other church communities in the annual Nehemiah Action event, where HOPE leaders challenge our city officials to do their part for those who are disadvantaged and not receiving fair and just treatment. This is a fun night of energy and excitement to hear the officials agree that the problem of injustice must be shared by us all. It is a night to be part of a ministry that is far larger than we can do on our own, yet on a personal level we can still feel proud to have participated.
Be sure to register for a Listening Meeting this September by clicking HERE. There are in-person and Zoom meetings to help accommodate as many people as possible. Be a part of something big.