Be still and know that I am God … Psalm 46:10 NIV
This is the theme verse of the General Conference of The United Methodist Church that is currently convening in Charlotte, NC until May 3rd. Our Florida Conference Bishop, Tom Berlin, delivered a message earlier this week, to the Council of Bishops, on this passage. The Council of Bishops consists of all bishops, active and retired in the UMC. This Scripture is a fitting passage for this Conference. For up to this time, there has been a lot of activity and actions being taken in the confines of the UMC and beyond. We have gone through a time of order, then disorder. Now it is time for the Lord to reorder us. And reorder the church.
There are still many things to do in the next 2 weeks. Yet Bishop Berlin states that one of the things to do among them … is to be still. To wait for the Lord. “Being still is a sabbath from ego.” Bishop Berlin continues, “I don’t meet myself in stillness and I don’t exalt myself in stillness. I meet God, and that allows me to see myself as I am and the world as God would have it. Being still reminds me that I am not in charge or in control, even when I am at my business. Being still quells my anxiety.”
We are tired and exhausted from being disordered. We are tired of people causing disorder. It is time for reorder. “And if we can do that in stillness, we will also begin to treat each other better. We will begin to love one another with a deeper love, a stiller love, that is patient and kind and gracious. We will forgive as we have been forgiven.”
The Scripture says, Be still ………. and know……… that I am God. Bishop Berlin concludes, “This one verse is the first step in the new life we seek and long to experience.” (To watch the livestream or to read summaries of the day’s activities, go to General Conference 2020 (resourceumc.org), Yes, technically this Conference is the postponed 2020 GC.)
Set aside a moment to be still...watch: