As a rule, good human relationships don't just happen. They may begin with a chance encounter, but they continue with effort. Not that it takes work, but it does take some intentionality from each party. Relationships must be pursued. Often it takes time and effort to become good friends. This is also true for a church family. Just being members of the same church does not mean we have close relationships with others. When trouble comes, and it will come, it is our church family who supports us with love, prayers and maybe a covered dish. Building relationships takes effort and the best building blocks are love, respect, compassion, acceptance and patience. The bonding agent that holds the blocks together is faith in Jesus and each other. How well do you know others in the church? I'm working on that. When trouble comes are you comfortable with sharing it with your church family? Are you in a small group where you can share your heart? If your answer is yes then praise God for the closeness you have established with others. May we all be generous with our building blocks of caring and loving so that we are the family of God at St. Andrew's.