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be Content

I’m not saying this because I need anything, for I have learned how to be content in any circumstance. Philippians 4:11

Have you been watching any of the Summer Olympics from Paris? It’s not just the competition that is fascinating but also the awards ceremony. It’s intriguing to watch the medalists on the podium and the expressions on their faces as the winner’s national anthem is played.

While watching this, I am always reminded of a study that I read about a few years back. A study was conducted in the mid 1990’s by a psychologist named Steve Brody. The study observed various awards ceremonies and the three medal winners as they stood on the platforms to receive their medals. It concluded that the bronze medal winner always looked happier than the silver medal winner

Why do the bronze medalists appear happier?

Brody reasons that the silver medal winners are up there comparing themselves to the gold medal winners. “If I were only a second faster.” Or “If I had only nailed that last dismount.” On the other hand, the bronze medal winners “compared down.” They compared themselves to the rest of the field and are thrilled just to be up there. They are glad that they didn’t come in fourth and fail to get a medal.

How we look at things affects how we feel. If we compare “up”, we will continually be embittered and see ourselves as not adequate or “losers.” However, if we appreciate what we do have, we will feel blessed. The morale is, according to Brody, is that the next time we begin moaning and crying about what we wish we had, just “think bronze” and be thankful for what we do have. Be content that we have been blessed in all circumstances.

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