Everyone needs a recharge. We all get to those places of feeling totally depleted. About two weeks ago it hit me that I was there at that place of exhaustion. I had no patience, I was discouraged and a bit depressed and I knew, from experience, I needed to be recharged. There are many ways to do this. For some to just go away to another location really makes all the difference. To be away from all the people you normally interact with can also help restore your heart and soul. Jesus understood that, often sending the disciples away. “When he sent them away, he went up onto a mountain by himself to pray.” (Matthew 14:23) That is what Gary and I decided to do, not head to a mountain, but to the beach to get away to restore our minds, our bodies, and our hearts.
Of course, there are other ways to find restoration. One is already on my calendar for Thursday-Friday, August 4-5, 2022. I am referring to the Global Leadership Summit. Each year I spend two days being restored and inspired by leaders from all over the world who help me move outside my world and my limited perspective. These leaders are change-driven, growth-minded, and hope filled. That is exactly what I need to hear. Usually, when the week of the Summit arrives, I internally resist going because there is always daily work that must be done. But then I begin to listen to the Summit faculty, and my heart is inspired, my mind is challenged, and I wish I could listen to these words every single day.
Last year I heard Craig Groeschel talk about chaos in our lives. He said if we avoid chaos, we limit our own growth. You can have control, or you can have growth, but you can’t have both. Juliet Funt, a business consultant, talked about building space into our schedule just to think. If we don’t take time to think, we will not be able to reflect, create, and construct. There were many great speakers like General Stanley McChrystal or Dr. Henry Cloud. I am looking forward to the line up this August, especially the Rev. Andy Stanley who has one of the largest churches in the US.
I still know when the week arrives for the Summit, I will resist restoring my soul because I have too much work to do. Yet, I also know how important the Global Leadership Summit is, and by attending I will experience the rest described in Psalm 3:5, “I lay down and slept; I awoke, for the Lord sustains me.” I hope you will register today and join us for the 2022 Global Leadership Summit. St. Andrew's attendees receive a discounted rate. Click HERE to register (ticket prices increase on March 31).