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Hands & Feet

While most of us would agree that the church is the place to come to connect to God in worship, many others do not understand that the church is also the vehicle which provides opportunities to be in Christian service. The church provides numerous ways to serve because we understand we are all uniquely gifted, and we are all drawn to different types of service.

I Peter 4:10-11 explains it well. “And serve each other according to the gift each person has received, as good managers of God’s diverse gifts. Whoever speaks should do so as those who speak God’s word. Whoever serves should do so from the strength that God furnishes. Do this so that in everything God may be honored through Jesus Christ. To him be honor and power forever and always. Amen.”

Sometimes we must wait for the right opportunity to serve. This weekend, we will be introducing a new Family Promise Team who has graciously agreed to help us to continue to host Family Promise at our church. They are also thinking about how they can use their gifts to help this ministry continue to thrive within our church.

Another opportunity will be opening this spring. We are looking for a team of people who will take on our Meals on Wheels programs serving 45 meals each Tuesday in our county. Our present leaders will be moving this summer and would like to begin to train new leadership now. While their team of kitchen volunteers is already formed, we are looking for a couple of people to plan the menu, shop, and prepare the food on Tuesday along with the volunteers. We already have a team of drivers who do the deliveries. This is an important ministry of St. Andrew's and someone reading this article is probably called to bring leadership to this ministry.

God gives us gifts to bless others and some of you are amazing cooks and planners. We need you to answer this call. If you are feeling the nudge of the Holy spirit, please reach out to the pastors and let them know you are interested.

God bless and have a good Friday,

Pastor Jayne Rideout


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