Two are better than one because they have a good return for their hard work. If either should fall, one can pick up the other. But how miserable are those who fall and don’t have a companion to help them up! Also, one can be overpowered, but two together can put up resistance. A three-ply cord doesn’t easily snap. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10,12 CEB
A devotion that I read this week in the Upper Room shares a story of a man’s experience when he was in the Navy. He watched as some equipment was being transported from one ship to another. The sea was too rough to have it transported via a smaller boat. So, they rigged up a pulley system between the two ships to move the equipment from one to the other.
As the two ships swayed back and forth in the rough seas, he noticed that the rope would slacken and then be pulled tight and rigid. He wondered if the rope would break, and the equipment would plummet into the rough waters below. But it didn’t. After the ordeal, he saw that the rope was triple-braided. Those three entwined strands gave the rope its strength and prevented it from breaking.
A three-ply cord doesn’t easily snap.
What a great reminder that in all our relationships we must invite Jesus to be there in the middle with us. So often the problems with relationships that have been contentious and unloving to the point of breaking is that we have neglected to let Jesus in to strengthen the bond. To allow Christ to help make decisions and to nurture peace and harmony. When we let Christ in, just like a three-ply cord, he will strengthen our relationships with His love and grace.