Then the king will reply to them, ‘I assure you that when you have done it for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you have done it for me.’
Matthew 25:40
With disbelief, we have all seen the scenes of the devastation that Hurricane Helene unleashed last week. Homes that were places of shelter and warmth for so many, now filled with water. Cars, buildings, and other structures swept away by a deluge of stormwater. Some of you have had serious damage to your homes or businesses and some have lost everything because of the hurricane. Many of you have been asking, “What can we do to help?”
As Christians, we have a compelling drive to help people who are suffering. It’s in our nature. And we are eager to do something practical to help.
Well, the Disaster Recovery Ministry of the Florida Conference of The United Methodist Church is asking for individuals or groups to put together flood buckets, to be distributed to those who are in need for the cleanup of precious property damaged by floods. We refer you to the article in this Friday Connection that describes what should be included in buckets.
When the buckets are filled, then you can bring them to the church. On Sunday mornings, bring them to the sanctuary narthex. During the week, bring them to the church office. We will take them to the Disaster Recovery Office in Lakeland. Because there is an urgent need for the buckets, we ask that you bring them on or before Monday, October 14.
In this passage from Matthew 25, the question asked to Christ is who are the ones that have acted righteously and will inherit the Kingdom of God. Christ’s answer is that those who acted virtuously are those who helped others they saw in need. Not those who saw people in need and felt sorry for them. Or those who thought about offering help. But those who actually fed the hungry, gave drink to those we were thirsty. Those who welcomed strangers. Those who gave clothing to those who could not afford them. Those who took care of someone who was sick. And the ones who visited the prisons.
Jesus concludes by saying ‘I assure you that when you have done it for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you have done it for me.’