by Toni Parrish

“We have different gifts, according to the grace given us.” Romans 12:6
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
We hope you all will join us as we celebrate a very special event this Sunday! The United Methodist Women’s organization celebrates its 150th year of mission and ministry!
The United Methodist Women’s organization is a faith-based membership organization of laywomen within the United Methodist Church. We are organized for mission and our members are committed to growing as disciples of Jesus Christ in community with other women and building the lives of women, children and youth. We send missionaries and deaconesses to minister locally as well as throughout the world!
Since its beginnings in 1869, United Methodist Women has grown to become the largest denominational faith organization for women with approximately 800,000 members! And this is all because of just two women, who listened to God’s call and used their gifts to answer His call!
As it states in the book of Romans we each have a gift that has been given to us by Almighty God! I hope you will join us this Sunday as we look at what the Holy Scriptures tells us about those gifts!
In His Service, Toni Parrish, SAUMC UMW President