Not many would challenge giving moms a special day because they have given so much to their children. It is usually in adulthood that children begin to really appreciate their mothers. It is then that they seriously consider the work of mom’s hands.
Consider what those hands do for the child from birth to adulthood. Don’t leave out the gross things. There are diapers to change and upset stomachs to deal with. Meals must be prepared and clothes must be washed. Mom’s hands have the power to sooth the distressed child. And when the child becomes an adult, moms are always ready to lend a “helping hand.”
An author, whose name is unknown to me, likened motherhood to a crazy quilt and called it “Love’s Masterpiece.” Some of you reading this are quilters and understand the effort it takes to stitch together those odd shaped pieces of cloth to make something beautiful. The author’s point is that motherhood is made up of many bits and pieces of mom’s life and when “stitched” together a beautiful tapestry is created. Those bits and pieces are representative of the multitude of things in which mom is involved. For most moms, there are no idle hands.
There are many “mothers” who never bore a child but who took on the task of motherhood with love and grace. For example, my Aunt Lou never bore a child, but she was called Mother Lou by many children. Mother’s Day honors all women who have given themselves to the raising of a child. It takes many sets of hands to raise a child, but none are like mom’s.
Thank you mom and all mothers every where.