In ancient times, the meaning of your name mattered. The name Priscilla means "old or ancient." Not a name most of us would embrace. Priscilla is one of the Sheroes we are talking about during the month of July. By Sheroe I mean women who are ordinary in every way, yet because they decided to put their trust in God, He did extraordinary things through them.
This is what we know about her. Priscilla was originally from Rome but was kicked out with many other Jewish Christians under Roman emperor Claudius. She was married to Aquila, but she is usually named first in Biblical references which may mean she was the more prominent Christian leader. The husband usually was always named first, so the speculation is that she outranked him.
They were both tentmakers and preachers of the gospel of Jesus Christ. That is what is so amazing about her. She may be the first formal female preacher of the gospel outside of the women who announced the empty tomb. Both she and her husband were missionaries and close friends of the apostle Paul. He continually refers to Priscilla and Aquila as comrades in faith and supporters of his missionary work. The three shared a deep, self-sacrificing love of Jesus Christ and the work of the Kingdom of God.
In Romans 16:3, Paul calls Priscilla synergos, which is the same title Paul uses for her husband Aquila, Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Mark, and Luke. This title indicates significant leadership. In a culture that was patriarchal, a period when a woman’s word was not admissible in a courtroom, and when the social status of females was at its lowest point, Priscilla was a leader of the church. While women today are still barred from using the gifts of leadership and preaching in some mainline churches, I think Priscilla can be a beacon of hope that God is in the business of using whomever He chooses to do kingdom work.
I am grateful to this Sheroe who was not afraid to be who she was, and she wisely chose a husband who was secure enough in his calling to fully support her. What a great example for women today.
Be sure to check out other Sheroes of faith on St. Andrew's UMC YouTube Channel: "SHEroes: Ordinary Women. Extraordinary Faith."