Don’t be conformed to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds so that you can figure out what God’s will is—what is good and pleasing and mature. Romans 12:2 CEB
As I have been reading through the book for which we are focusing on in our sermon series, “No Longer Stuck” by Tony Portell, it has been made ever so clear to me that we are body, mind, soul, spirit, all wrapped together. We see this in the Bible, written about in Old and New Testament Scriptures. This is opposed to the view that we are divided into a separate body, a separate mind, a separate soul, and a separate spirit.
We strive for joy and peace in our lives. Yet, there is body chemistry that takes place in accordance with these drives. Chemicals such as dopamine, which feeds the brain’s primary desire for joy, and serotonin which provides for a feeling of peace in your body. We can strive for joy and peace, the release of dopamine and serotonins through healthy, Godly ways. Or we can endeavor to release them through other unhealthy ways. Through our sin.
As one article I read by Christian author Timothy Merrill, that this is the difference between being conformed or being transformed. He writes,
“The conformed are always trying to add on, do something else. Our culture says that you can never have enough. You always need more. More. More. The transformed are focused on the ministry the Spirit gave them. The conformed seek a promotion; The transformed seek a ministry. The conformed seek more stuff; The transformed seek the right stuff. The conformed seek the comfort of the flesh; The transformed seek the renewal of the mind. The conformed invest in the temporal; The transformed invest in the eternal.”
God created our body, mind, soul and spirit to together be renewed day by day. Not to conform to the values of the world. But to be transformed so that we turn toward God and walk in the image of Christ. Body chemistry and all.