This Sunday we begin a new series and a new liturgical season! It’s Advent! We’ll be preaching a series based on Jorge Acevado’s book, "Sent- Delivering the Gift of Hope at Christmas." Many of our Sunday School classes as well as some other groups will also be studying the material. What a great way to connect with others during this busy holiday season and remind ourselves of why we celebrate.
Traditionally, each year we begin Advent by singing the song O Come Emmanuel. Here are the lyrics:
O come, O come, Emmanuel And ransom captive Israel That mourns in lonely exile here Until the Son of God appear Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel Shall come to thee, O Israel.
As we gather and sing this hymn once more on Sunday may our hearts rejoice that Emmanuel has come and shall come again. Let us rejoice that the good news of great joy that was told to Shepherds in a field is still true – The Messiah, the Lord has come to reconcile us and ransom captive Israel. This is great news for ALL PEOPLE as the Angel said. Come Sunday as we listen to the familiar story of Shepherds and angels and hear once more the still small voice of God reminding us that God not only sent his one and only son for us, but also sends us out – just as he did those shepherds to share the good news with all.