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One and Only

Scripture: 16 “For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. 17 God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him. [John 3:16-17 NLT] My favorite music artist of my lifetime is Sting. When I was in high school Sting was just making it big with the band The Police. One of the reasons that I like Sting is because his voice is so distinct. When one of his songs comes on the radio you can tell almost instantly that it is Sting. While I never had the pleasure of seeing The Police in concert, many years ago I was able to go to a Sting concert. I was mesmerized by the way that Sting performed. I thought his voice was incredible and the musicians he chose for his band were all phenomenal. At the beginning of the concert the announcer said these words, “Ladies and gentlemen, the one and only, Sting.” I truly believe that there is only one Sting. When I gave my life to Christ back in 1986 I learned there is a much more important “one and only.” The Scripture for today in The Gospel of John tells us just who the most important one and only is. John tells us that God “gave us his one and only Son.” In the older translations the term used is “only begotten” Son. The term begotten is probably best translated as “having no peer, unique.” This means that Jesus is truly the one and only Son of God. There is no other and never will be another like Jesus. When I realized this and gave my life to Jesus, the one and only, everything changed. Jesus is unique in his Sonship and unique in what he came to accomplish for us. Jesus is the one and only Messiah, our Savior. John goes on to tell us that Jesus, the one and only, came so that whoever believes in him would have eternal life. Not only is he the one and only Son, Jesus is also the one and only Savior in whom we are to place our trust and surrender our lives. Jesus is the one and only Savior through whom we receive the promise of eternal life by God’s grace when we place our faith in Jesus. There is none like Him. A friend of mine wrote a great worship song that says this so well: Fix my eyes on your glory, turn my heart to you. No other god can save us, Jesus you’re the one, I surrender. This is what makes Jesus the one and only Savior of my life. John goes on to say that Jesus, the one and only, did not come to condemn the world, but to save it. There is no one else who could accomplish that. Jesus is the one and only worthy of our honor, glory, and faith. When we surrender our life to Jesus He saves us from the consequences of our sin. In Christ alone are we saved. Today meditate on the uniqueness of Jesus Christ in your life. Is your life different because of what Jesus has done for you? It is a good practice to daily surrender to the Lordship of Christ for your life. Will you surrender today? Will you turn your heart to Jesus today? Fix your eyes on Christ’s glory because there is no other god who can save us. Jesus is the only one. In our daily surrender to Christ we acknowledge Christ’s place as the one and only in our life. Live your life today, and every day, in surrender to the one and only, Jesus. Prayer: Lord Jesus, you are the one and only Savior. I surrender my life to you today. Empower me to live for you in every way throughout this day. May you be honored, glorified, praised, and exalted through my thoughts, words, and actions. I pray that others come to know you as their one and only Savior, in part, by the way I live today. Amen.

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