Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. Know that the LORD is God. It is he who made us, and we are his. we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Psalm 100:2-3 NIV
A 17th century Carmelite monk named Brother Lawrence worked as humble cook in a French monastery and he wrote about his experience in the classic book, “Practicing the Presence of God.” Brother Lawrence was able to turn the most menial of his task such as preparing meals and washing dishes into acts that would praise God. He saw them as opportunities to celebrate his relationship with God. Brother Lawrence prescribed that the key to a friendship with God, is not changing what you do, but changing your attitude toward what you do.
He continually prayed to God as he worked. And it changed the way he saw his life. It gave him a purpose.
Our reason to worship is to recognize the presence of God in our lives and to bring glory, praise, and thanks to God. “Worship is pulling our affections off our idols and putting them on God.” That is the purpose of worship. To truly be known by our Father in heaven. And by focusing all our attention upon our God even in the routine times of our lives, so that we will intimately know him.
“Worship helps us find who we are and why God has placed us here on the earth. When we bow in God's presence with worship, only then are we made complete.” As the book of James 4:8,10 tells us, “Come near to God and he will come near to you. Humble yourself before the Lord and he will lift you up.” Only then will our lives have purpose and meaning even in the everyday tasks of life.
Worship is not just Sunday morning but recognizing God’s presence even in the everyday task.